SOURCE: Khaleej Times
Author: Nissar Hoath

July 05–Tourists arriving in Abu Dhabi will be issued an ethics guide featuring advice on dress code and accepted behaviour in public places within the emirate.

In the 14-point guide released by Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters on Wednesday, tourists are advised to avoid behaviour in public places that could be considered indecent, such as kissing and cross-dressing. It will also feature a section on dress code, informing visitors to wear respectful clothing. Tourists will also be advised against prostitution, begging and vagrancy.

“The code of ethics has been issued to ensure that tourists fully adhere to local rules and regulations, and do not upset the traditional and cultural values. The guideline has been prepared so the tourists have all the comfort and enjoy their visit at the same time ensuring the security of the society and respect of traditional and religious values,” said Brigadier Omeir Al Muhairi, Deputy Director of Police Operations at Abu Dhabi Police GHQ.

The code of ethics brochure has already been printed and is being distributed at entry points to the emirate, hotels, tourism operating companies and public places visited by tourists. It will be available in 12 languages.

As an introduction, the guide warns tourists that the possession and abuse of drugs and other psychotropic substances is against the law. The other points include prohibition of alcoholic drinks in un-licenced venues and not to drive under the influence of alcohol. There is also a section advising tourists against drinking and smoking in public during the fasting hours of the holy month of Ramadan.

Further, visitors are encouraged to avoid carrying large amounts of cash and to ensure that they can produce identification if asked by security officers.

However, Brig Muhairi asked tourists not to hesitate to seek help in case of an emergency from the Tourism Police Department through 999 or directly calling the department’s hotline on 8002626.

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